Congrats to 3YO athlete Marli for finishing her first marathon @riebeekkasteelmaraton … no longer a marathon virgin her race recaps a beautiful reminder to be present in life and In our sport
“I just realised again that sports- training and races are about so much more than just that.
I was overwhelmed with support messages from so many people, while I was thinking that it’s just a race that I have to complete by myself and no big deal to anyone else. Which didn’t bother me, i am very happy with being a lone ranger ?
Come race day, still had the same sort of thoughts – I woke up at 5am (alone), drove there (alone), waited (alone) for the race to start since I was very early. At the starting line the first person I spoke to was a friend that i made at the Houtkapper trail run (another significant human experience, will share on another day). Anyway, He immediately remembered that this would be my first marathon and was excited with me, and I still don’t know his name! ?
Next “wow” moment was a group of friends who got me through the first 12km in a steady pace and good mental space. Unfortunately I couldn’t maintain their pace for much longer.
At about 35km I met a wonderful pace setter who already had 2 strangers in his “taxi” and was more that happy to help me get to the finish line. He could have easily finished at least 50min earlier if he wasn’t bothered about us! Super patient and motivational literally all the way to the finish line where he let us go into the shoot ahead of him!
And finally, just before I left, I remembered that I obviously had to take a medal selfie ?‍♀when a friend came and said he can’t allow me to be alone on my medal picture ?
Summary: don’t be to caught up with the miles or times that you miss these beautiful moments with our friends ?”


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